Big things are happening and it's all thanks to you!
Hey Everyone!
It’s April and everyday is starting to feel more like Spring so you better be spending more time outside! But first, we wanted to update you on a couple of things…
To all of our Canadian friends, we were accepted to pitch on Dragon’s Den! For all our American backers, this is like the Canadian version of “Shark Tank”. We are more than pumped to have been given this opportunity and will let you know when the episode goes live! Fingers crossed because gaining their support could mean HUGE things for us!

We also received the official Boulder Denim hats and they are awesome!
Want one? Click here and scoop one up for $35.
OR you can get your hat for $25 by pre-ordering with another pair of jeans by clicking here.
We are working super hard to get you the denim you ordered a couple months ago and will let you know when we have a firm date!
Thanks again for your continued support!
The Boulder Denim Team